LCI Move to Grow Special Highlights

Move to Grow in 2009-2010

International President Wirfs’ theme, Move to Grow, expresses the thought that all things need momentum in order to progress.
The adaptable ginkgo tree represents this idea, and symbolizes hope and peace. Like Lions Clubs International, the ginkgo has
an esteemed heritage, longevity, value and global abundance.

Move to Grow brochure: Learn more about International President Wirfs’ theme, Move to Grow

LCI Awards Program = Check out recognition programs for expanding and enhancing your club and your community.

LCI Ginkgo Awards  = Find out about the Ginkgo Awards – and how they will recognize Lions for exemplifying the attributes
                                       needed to move our association forward.

LCIF in Sight  = Increase public visibility of Lions in your community by organizing a major public relations
                                                     activity during the last two weeks of January 2010.

LCI Global Youth Music  = Help the youth of today grow to be the Lions of tomorrow with our Global Youth
                                                                       Music Competition.

Spouse Needed = Move to grow our membership by inviting spouses, partners and Lionesses to become a Lion.






Uncorrected Refrative Error = In the USA, 78% of visual impairment is caused by uncorrected refractive error (URE), such as nearsightedness and farsightedness.  Furthermore, 37% of children in inner cities need eyeglasses and 67% do not have them.*
Recently, a $2 million SightFirst grant was awarded in the USA for further development of a program to address the URE need by providing new, customized eyeglasses to the underprivileged.
        *According to the National Eye Institute
Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP) = The Lions Eye Health Program (LEHP) was instituted in the United States as a community-based public awareness initiative that allows Lions clubs, community organizations, businesses and individuals to promote eye health.  The LEHP mission is to prevent vision loss by encouraging the early detection and timnely treatment of diabetic eye disease, glaucoma and low vision.
Currently, there are 2,800 Lions clubs in 32 states participating in LEHP.  CSFII will enable Lions to expand their efforts through LEHP and bring further value to the promotion of eye health.
Low-Vision Services = Millions of people in the USA suffer from low vision and many do not receive the resources and assistive devices they need.
Campaign SightFirst II will help bring low-vision rehabilitation to the forefront by training low-vision specialists and creating Lions low-vision clinics and resource centers where no services exist today.
        Normal Vision                                              Glaucoma                                                                       Diabetic Retinopathy 
 LCIF partners with Special                           Glaucoma Screening                              Childrens Eye Care                                                 Olympics - provides free vision
screening, glasses and sports



